From physical appearance to my disposition; a list of things that I can appreciate about myself when I'm not feeling up to par.

  • I'm a halfer; I come from two different cultures.
  • I achieve above average grades in school, usually, and I actually try.
  • I stay relatively active.
  • I worked pretty hard to get to the level of fitness that I'm at now.
  • I'm enthusiastic and friendly.
  • I'm not easily put down.
  • I can be relied on to keep secrets (At least I think I can be...)
  • I try to acknowledge when I am wrong.
  • I'm learning to take criticism in a positive manner.
  • My eyes are a nice colour.
  • My eyelashes are long and thick.
  • I'm confident in my skin, and don't feel like I need to modify my body (radically) to fit the stereotype of the perfect female figure.
  • Glasses suit me (and I need them, so that's good!!)
  • I try to make a conscious effort to make sure the people around me feel included and accepted.
  • I feel like I'm open to new ideas
  • I don't try and change myself in order to impress guys
  • I'm not (too) ashamed of what I'm a fan of. (...Harry Potter)
  • I try not to say bad things about other people, no matter how much they annoy me.
  • I have found methods of expressing myself (writing, music etc).
  • I've made friends with people that I feel comfortable being myself around. =D
  • My teeth are straight and I've never needed braces or a retainer.
dec 3 2009 ∞
jun 23 2011 +