we are all born so beautiful the greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not. - milk and honey

how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. - milk and honey

i am made of water of course i am emotional. - the sun and her flowers

like the rainbow after the rain joy will reveal itself after sorrow. - the sun and her flowers

i learned everything is temporary. moments. feelings. people. flowers. i learned love is about giving. everything. and letting it hurt. i learned vulnerability is always the right choice because it is easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. - the sun and her flowers

this place makes me the kind of exhausted that has nothing to do with sleep and everything to do with the people around me. introvert - the sun and her flowers

bees came for honey / flowers giggled as they undressed themselves / for the taking / the sun smiled - the sun and her flowers

you do not just wake up and become the butterfly growth is a process. - the sun and her flowers

yes it is possible to hate and love someone at the same time i do it to myself every day. - the sun and her flowers

what is the greatest lesson a woman should learn that since day one she's already had everything she needs within herself it's the world that convinced her she did not. - the sun and her flowers

it was when i stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself i found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole. - the sun and her flowers

feb 1 2020 ∞
apr 14 2024 +