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  • tiabeanie (bean)
    • bean is very passionate about feminism and the difference between men and women's rights. in the episode 'bean falls apart' she expresses one of the things that makes her the angriest is the patriarchy. "and the stupid patriarchy!"
    • she has many family problems. in part 1, zøg is full of self hatred and inflicts this on bean, slurring abusive speech and hate towards her. throughout all parts dagmar serves as one of beans biggest conflicts. she loves her mom very deep down and seeks companionship with her, but is constantly rejected. in the episode 'the disenchantress' bean finally has an opportunity to remove dagmar from her life forever, but refuses as she can't escape the love she has for her mother deep down.
    • bean has deep rooted abandonment issues. she is afraid of letting people become too close to her in fears they will eventually grow tired of her or turn against her. and so she keeps her walls and guard up, always. she is afraid of showing affection to her loved ones as she believes it will eventually be used against her.
    • she yearns to be 'normal'. she believes that something is inherently wrong with her, but does everything to try to escape that.
    • she is her own biggest weakness. bean finds herself hung up on the past most of the time and blames everything that has happened on herself. she has a very low self esteem and doubts her capability to perform well. such as in the episode 'the battle of falling water' when bad bean states "you can't never win because you're self-defeating, bean."
    • bean starts a relationship with mora, which causes a lot of conflict for her. when things are good with mora, she is the happiest we see her throughout all of the parts. but oftentimes mora will ignore bean or leave her for unknown periods of time. she fights for the relationship despite how toxic it is for her, as she can't bring herself to see any bad in mora and can't seem to move on from the peaks of their time together.
    • her evil persona 'bad bean' tries to rile bean up by saying things she believes will make bean angry. the only thing that works is when she says "you are unlovable." bean suffers a lot with the idea that she can't be loved, for various reasons. "is there something wrong with me?" she states after reflecting on her lackluster love life. then in the episode where bean escapes steamland, she rants to mora about it too. “maybe because nobody loves me. maybe i just don’t deserve to be loved because that’s just not in the cards for me.”
    • "bean doesn’t want to care about anything, but she does. she isn’t just selfish and then starts caring about others. she seems as though she pretends not to care. she is trying to numb herself to a world she didn’t feel qualified or able to fix. when allowed to change things and to fight for what she believes, she does."

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  • pinkie pie
    • pinkie pie is very dependent on happiness, and is almost addicted to the high that comes from joy. "I never felt joy like that before, it felt so good that I just wanted to keep smiling forever!". in most scenes she's in, she is trying to be the most upbeat and positive pony there.
    • she wants everypony around her to feel joy and can become very upset when the ponies she cares about are upset. she does everything she can to try bring a smile back to their faces.
    • she can be very paranoid if she thinks her friends don't like her. she will distance herself, such as in the episode "Party of One". she became extremely unstable when her friends didn't show up to her party, believing they had abandoned her.
    • pinkie grew up in a household surrounded by sadness. which is a large reason she became so addicted to happiness. she loves her family, but fears becoming like them.

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  • jin bubaigawara (twice)
    • he believed understanding your own identity is the most essential aspect in life. he cared most about trying to retrieve his sense of self. after the incident with his clones, he became incredibly unstable and didn't know who he was. he often argued with himself and panicked without his mask, his sense of stability.
    • twice always wore a mask when he was with others in order to stay 'whole'. without the mask, he has sullen eyes with dark rings around them and spends most of his time smoking and people watching. he keeps to himself and is very lazy. but around others and with the mask, he is incredibly explosive and lively.
    • his character strived to be useful to the only people who ever welcomed him, the League. he was willing to do almost anything to be useful to the people who gave him a sense of belonging. due to this, he was too trusting and ended up getting his close friend, Magne, killed. he spent a lot of episodes after this with immense guilt and an even stronger urge to make himself useful out of fear of being abandoned. and yet, it happened again. he trusted Hawks and saw him as a close companion, but was betrayed and (literally) backstabbed by him. during the fight scene between the two, twice screams "No! Not again!".
    • he created the 9 clones originally because he had no friends. he wanted to feel respected by a group of individuals, but also loved and cared for. and nobody will ever understand you better than yourself. after the incident, he became incredibly trusting and was willing to do anything to have a friend. which ultimately lead to his demise.

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  • adora
    • adora was raised by shadow weaver and was her favourite out of all the cadets. consequently, shadow weaver only ever cared for her when she did something perfectly. this lead to the ideology that she had to move mountains for people to like her and show her affection.
    • "adora feels like she is responsible for everyone and everything around her. she puts a lot of pressure on herself and believes that if she makes a mistake it will be catastrophic. when she does make a mistake, she feels like she needs to fix it, and will even endanger herself in order to do that."
    • at her worst, adora is rigid and stubborn. she can be a bit blunt and doesn’t have much of a sense for social situations. adora can have a bit of a high and mighty attitude, coming across as she thinks she is better than others.
    • she can be unbearably forgiving. catra tried to kill her various times and yet adora always forgave her and looked past it. she never even held a grudge. catra: "I know you all hate me!" adora: "I never hated you!".
sep 6 2024 ∞
sep 19 2024 +