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Ulysses Devesh is a 70s pop star who is going to appear in a future oneshot I'm writing.

  • Ulysses- "the one who is wrathful or hated", as to represent this character's future in the story (Which I won't spoil yet)
  • Devesh- "King of the gods", Another name for Indra, "God of the gods", Another name of Lord Shiva. I personally really liked this name, not only for it's meaning and origin, also for how it sounds when you pronounce it.In Hindu religion, Shiva is the Supreme Lord who creates, protects and transforms the universe. He is an infinite being, and is usually depicted with a serpent around his neck. Serpents in Hindu religion depict fertility, rebirth, transformation, immortality and healing. In Ulysses' story, he tries to keep this persona immortal, by doing many things so he could be "reborn" and "transformed" (again, I won't spoil everything)
apr 18 2024 ∞
apr 18 2024 +