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  • quick ramble on my dog bc i love him <33
  • my babys name is koby and hes a black cocker spaniel!!
  • his birthday is in may and hes a year old now!
  • he loves squeaky toys over any of his other ones, so we get him a lot of them :)
  • "hes fucking stupid" - nex
  • theres a field i go to with him where i let him off leash and hes always so good :3 he loves getting to frolick
  • when hes going through the super tall grass he hops like a bunny and jumps high asf
  • he can be super protective of me and my mom
  • he hates showers but hes been getting used to them
  • i love my baby
aug 6 2024 ∞
aug 6 2024 +