- 30th - Working at Roanoke today, Becky is sick.
- 29th - Snow flurries today and much colder out.
- 28th - Working til noon and then enjoy day.
- 25th - Rain and cold but warm in office.
- 23rd - Back to work on this cloudy Monday
- 21st - Putting bad behind Focus on the good
- 8th - Sick all day but together with Lenny
- 7th - Wonderful day together and then hockey game
- 6th - Actually today was the day home - geesh
- 5th - Home from work today, staying in pajamas
- 4th - Missing my Mary so much, very much
- 3rd - Seeing Iceland and falling in love with
- 2nd - Hardest to get ready for journey home
- 1st - Happiest New Years Day with loved ones
jan 5 2023 ∞
mar 10 2023 +