One word a day, til the end of the year. #alphabetwordchallenge
- 9/30/15 - Y - Yesterday....remember it fondly...but don't live there...
- 9/29/15 - X - X-ray.... had my share of these....
- 9/28/15 - W - Wishes - dandelions, wells, stars, they all count.
- 9/27/15 - V- Violet -- for some reason these beautiful flowers came to mind.
- 9/26/15 - U- Understanding. It's worth it to give it a try...
- 9/25/15 - T - Teachable. We should all -- always be teachable :-)
- 9/24/15 - S - Simplicity. Journeying toward a simpler existence. Hope to trim down clutter this winter
- 9/23/15 - R - Remember. So thankful for my memories so far in life..looking forward to many more :-)
- 9/22/15 - Q - Quiet...early mornings on the weekends, while the house sleeps.
- 9/21/15 - P - Procrastinate. This seems to be a favorite passtime of mine...sometimes.
- 9/20/15 - O - Outrageous. Yes, I want to be remembered that way...
- 9/19/15 - N - Necessary. It's always good to have what is necessary. But it's more fun to have what's not...
- 9/18/15 - M - Mother -- my greatest accomplishment in this life..
- 9/17/15 - L - Love --- it really is what makes the world go really is All there Is.
- 9/16/15 - K - Kindness. This truly has to be my favorite word. I strive for it always.
- 9/15/15 - J - Jaded - sometimes a bad relationship leaves us this way....
- 9/14/15 - I - Imagination - what of the greatest gifts our soul gives to us....
- 9/13/15 - H- Hope. One of the three great words... Faith Hope and Love. I believe you need all three to have one.
- 9/12/15 - G- Gratitude - this is just the greatest word. Practicing it daily.
- 9/11/15 -- F - Friendship. Need I say more. I would much rather have only a few true friends than hundreds of pretend friends...
- 9/10/15 -- E - Evolve. Isn't that what we do every moment of our lives. We can speed up the process by being aware of it.
- 9/9/15 -- The letter tonight is D - Determination. Such a lovely word. It gets the job done. One of our greatest virtues.
- 9/8/15 -- C-- Challenges. We all face them every day. They make us grow - they teach us what we need to know while we are here.
- 9/7/13 -- B -- Balance -- trying so hard to live a balanced life. it takes constant attention and awareness....but so very worth it!
- 9/6/15 -- A -- Angels. Our guardians. Our keepers. Our messengers. "Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly"
sep 4 2015 ∞
oct 6 2015 +