π Season two:
Started: 01/06 Finished: 10/06
- Favourite character: Brooke
- Favourite parental figure: Andy
- Most relatable character: Nathan
- Prettiest female: Brooke
- Hottest male: Andy
- Sweetest character: Mouth
- Soundtrack rating: 5/10
- Funniest character: Brooke
- Character I'm mostly likely to be friends with: Brooke
- Character I'm most likely to date: Jake, Mouth
- Character(s) that I used to love but now dislike: Deb
- Character(s) I used to dislike but now like: Dan, Nathan
- Favourite couple: Andy and Karen
- Best character arc: Nathan, Dan
- overall rating: 7/10
Hilarious moments: nearly every scene with Brooke.
Moments that tore my heart out: Mouth buying back Brooke's dollhouse
- Mouth speaking for Brooke.
Best quotes:
"Guys like me don't get girls like her and guys like you don't care"
"Don't back away from your dreams. You could end up so bitter you just destroy all the people around you".
Biggest shock surprises that I totally forgot: Jake going to prison
- The "Jules" set up
- Peyton's mum
- Dan's Motors fire