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I'm scared to start season 5 and I don't know why. The adult years were my favourite.

πŸ€ Season five:

Started: 30/07 Finished: 13/08

  • Favourite character: Jamie
  • Favourite parental figure: Haley, Skills
  • Most relatable character: Brooke
  • Prettiest female: Millicent
  • Hottest male: Dr. Copeland
  • Sweetest character: Millicent, Jamie
  • Soundtrack rating: 7/10 the first song played is one of my all time favourites!
  • Funniest character: Brooke's facial expressions
  • Character I'm mostly likely to be friends with: Mouth, Haley
  • Character I'm most likely to date: Dan, Dr. Copeland
  • Character(s) that I used to love but now dislike: Quentin
  • Character(s) I used to dislike but now like: Nathan
  • Favourite couple: Nathan and Haley
  • Best character arc: Nathan
  • overall rating: 9.5/10

Hilarious moments: Brooke's facial expressions throughout this season

  • Victoria's facial expression when she thought Lucas was proposing to Brooke

Moments that tore my heart out: Brooke helping Jamie paint his car blue because that's what he wanted and teaching him to take a stand

  • Millicent 'buying' a dress from Brooke
  • Lucas telling Peyton that the bar guy is not good enough for her and Peytons response
  • Lucas proposing to Lindsey after kissing Peyton
  • Jamie saying "thank you" to Dan
  • Lucas telling Peyton that he hates her

Best quotes: Nathan: My dad's in prison and so am I. Haley: Yeah, well you can walk out.

  • Brooke: Anorexia is a disease. It is not a fashion statement.
  • Sometimes when you're young you think nothing can hurt you. It's like being invincible. Your whole life is ahead of you and you have big plans. Big Plans. To find your perfect match, the one who completes you. But as you get older you realize it's not always that easy. It's not until the end of your life that you realize how the plans you made where simply plans. Because at the end when you're looking back instead of forward you want to believe you made the most of what life gave you. You want to believe you're leaving something good behind. You want it all to have mattered.

Biggest shock surprises that I totally forgot: Nathan being disabled in the first episode

  • Lucas moving on / didn't wait for Peyton
  • Andy coming back
  • Brooke looking after baby Angie
  • Dan having months to live
  • Dan being ran over
  • That cliffhanger!!!
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