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πŸ€ Season six:

Started: 13/08 Finished: 24/08

  • Favourite character: Dan, Peyton
  • Favourite parental figure: Nathan
  • Most relatable character: Peyton, Brooke
  • Prettiest female: Haley
  • Hottest male: Nathan
  • Sweetest character: Jamie
  • Soundtrack rating: 8/10
  • Funniest character: Jamie
  • Character I'm mostly likely to be friends with: Lucas
  • Character I'm most likely to date: Nathan
  • Character(s) that I used to love but now dislike: Millicent
  • Character(s) I used to dislike but now like: Quentin
  • Favourite couple: Nathan and Haley
  • Best character arc: Dan
  • overall rating: 7/10

Hilarious moments: carrie telling Dan not to make her get the ball gag and he replies "now, you're just turning me on"

  • Peyton: How can you not like The Cure?

Lucas: Well, their music's depressing and whiney... Peyton: And if it could squint, it would be you.

  • Brooke's face when walking into the room full of topless men

Moments that tore my heart out: Nathan being asked to coach basketball instead of play

  • Nathan coming to the playground with a box full of capes to help Jamie
  • Nathan being shoved through the glass window at Slamball
  • Nathan getting his life back together and being able to play basketball again
  • Sam calling Brooke mum
  • Sam's reaction to Julian leaving
  • Nathan recommending Devon for the Europe team
  • Nathan making it to the NBA
  • Peyton having her baby and surviving

Best quotes: Nathan: You gotta realize, if you had one day left with Peyton, would you want to spend it arguing, or just being married?

Biggest shock surprises that I totally forgot: peyton dating Julian

  • James Van Der Beek being on the show
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