Factkin: I am only okay with Factkin of long-dead famous and non-famous folks and fictional depictions of real-life public figures, either alive, recently dead, or long-dead; BUT only as long as you're not blabbering about it where the people or their families can clearly see or saying you're literally them - identity theft is still identity theft even if you're from an alternate universe. Basically, if you're 'kin with some random dude from the 1800's, non-fictional Alexander Hamilton, or AntiSepticEye, I'll be cool with you as long as you're kind-hearted in this life, don't steal identities, don't speak to anyone you may have been related to in your past life (canonmates not included), and regret any negative or bigotted past actions.

Cleaning: Bipolar makes cleaning an issue for me, especially since clutter actually keeps me calm and comforted; so when someone mentions their disgust at a messy room or house it makes me feel like a failure of a human being.

'Triggered' jokes: Despite not having triggers outside of past bullying, I feel disgusted whenever I hear one of these. Unless it's a self-deprecating joke and you deal with triggers, don't be a dick and make light of something like that.

Feeling stressed out: Simply put; stress brings on a panic attack for me.

People calling me lazy or dumb: I have really bad self-esteem when it comes to my neurodivergence. My lack of motivation is often seen as laziness and my difference in mental functionality is seen as stupidity. So with that being said, any mention of me being lazy or dumb(even if it's "just a joke") brings on serious depression.

The stigma around mental health: This one's pretty obvious; acting like my illness doesn't matter, or that I can control it or cure it with a healthy lifestyle or WHATEVER is fucking gross.

Spiders, scorpions and centipedes: I have an irrational phobia of spiders, and the last two I just get icky about... though I do like how they look. Just no touchy.

People owning exotic animals as pets: Ever since I heard how many people own Sugar Gliders in America I've felt REALLY iffy about this... like there's so much that goes into caring for a pet like that, are you sure you know what you're doing for the wellbeing of the animal???

South Australia's Centrelink and Housing Trust: Despite being better off here than in America when it comes to government benefits, these two have screwed me and my Mum over so many times it's not even funny... so even the mention of their name gets me riled up.

Anything to do with non-fictional touching or harming of the eye: I have a huge huge huuuge irrational fear of losing my eyes and eyesight. I don't know where it came from but one day I was like "THIS IS SOMETHING I VERY MUCH DISLIKE!"

Gaslighting, manipulative language, and the names 'Wolfy' and 'Mick': To do with both my childhood in an abusive household and a few of my abusive exes. Wolfy was an extremely abusive ex, and Mick was my Mother's abusive boyfriend.

mar 10 2018 ∞
oct 6 2018 +