Brown western dragon

  • Memories of flying around a medieval world and sleeping in a cave of randomly-collected junk I found interesting.
  • Main comforts for the Dragon are surrounding myself with medieval, steampunk, or otherwise natural colours and aesthetics.

Post-finale Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder)

  • Memories of reuniting with Wander and the gang as more of a playful rival than an enemy. Very emotional and scarred. Had a small fling with Hater but didn't exactly work out so we kept as close friends.
  • Main comforts for Dominator are acting confident and badass(even if totally fake lmfao) wearing epic makeup, watching cool makeup tutorials, and listening to empowering songs(mostly from P!nk).

Non-canon Sans the Skeleton (Undertale / neutral route / Handplates AU)

  • Memories of Gaster's experiments, escaping the lab with Papyrus, marrying Toriel and adopting the Kid underground with a reformed Flowey. Remember the tail-end of a genocide route and seeing Papyrus through the rift between worlds.
  • Main comforts for Sans are junkfood, clutter and science-related media.

Canon Jack Kelly (Jeremy Jordan ver. - Newsies the Broadway Musical)

  • No memories thus far, just a fuckton of comfort and kinfeels.
  • Main comforts for Jack are singing along to my source material, using my bad New York accent, doing art stuff and wearing my ‘Seize the Day’ graphic t-shirt.

Doubles are encouraged! I love meeting people with similarities to me. :3

I might be looking for canonmates, but was heartbroken the last time and don't want to experience that again, so we should get to know each other thoroughly first; as both humans AND our respective kintypes.

sep 27 2017 ∞
oct 20 2019 +