• Within this aged Southern church, the once-lofty walls now sag and show their years, their former grandeur diminished. The pews, once fine and grand, are now splintered and worn, their carvings obscured beneath dust and neglect. The stained glass windows, though still bearing vibrant hues, are cracked and grimy, casting uneven and melancholy light upon the room.
  • At the heart of the chamber, the stage, now uneven and weather-beaten, supports a solitary chair that is frail and weary. Behind it, a fountain of holy water stands tarnished, its trickling sound reduced to a faint whisper, adding a mournful note to the otherwise still air. The space is heavy with the weight of time’s passage, as if echoes of prayers long forgotten linger in the silence amidst the disrepair.
aug 3 2024 ∞
aug 3 2024 +