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JUNK FOOD BABY!!!! Hamburgers, hotdogs, BBQ ribs, steak, fried fish, I love red meats, mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, fetuccini, corn, Chilean salad, noodles etc
Chocolate, cookies, gummies, natur, doritos, onion cream chips, any choco heavy snacks tbh
Tiramisu, Ice-cream, cake, candy in general
Pepsi #1 forever, Coke, Bilz, soda in general, energy drinks, frapuccino, chocolate milk, Mojito, Pitufo, most sweet alcoholic drinks!
KITTENS (my weakness), dogs, hedgehogs, big cats, fish!
the city, malls, the beach, forests, hills and mountains
drawing, watching tv, art & crafts, walking around, hanging out with my pals, reading, writing (sometimes), painting, literally just chilling
nostalgiacore, dreamcore, weirdcore, scenecore, traumacore, liminalcore, emocore, uhhhhhhhh, Y2K, scene, emo, alternative, McBling, harajuku, frutiger aero, webcore, jojifuku