which pokémon villain are you? (1)
i only got cyrus because i said i would make my own "perfect world" if i could... trust me guys i could do it without being evilwhich pokémon villain are you? (2)
old men FOR THE WINwhich non-legendary pokémon are you?
i find this fitting given what ppl have said abt mewhich legendary pokémon are you?
shaymin is one of my favourite, if not my favourite, mythical pokémon. unsure why it's included in a test specifically meant for legendary pokémon, though, as it's a mythical...which pokémon type are you?
hydreigon is a dragon type ergo i am ghetsis againwhat anime genre are you?
i am both flattered and ashamedwhat dere are you?
again, given what ppl have said abt me, this is fitting (and i don't know how i feel abt it...)