• instruments
    • banjos
    • lyres
      • crottas
    • harps
  • subjects
    • cultural anthropology
      • linguistics
    • biology
      • microbiology
      • pathology
        • neurology
        • epidemiology
      • psychiatry
        • abnormal psychology
        • cognitive psychology
      • ecology
        • (marine) botany
        • horticulture
    • computer architecture
    • unfortunately as much as i wish i could study these, developmental and learning disability cripples me
  • technology
    • dj/sound equipment
    • obscure electronic instruments
    • the nintendo ds (lite)/(new) 2ds/(new) 3ds
    • modding (consoles) and romhacking
  • (old) internet culture
    • geocities, angelfire, and neocities
    • defunct, broken, or abandoned niche websites, forums, and boards
    • newgrounds and flash animations
    • low quality early youtube videos
    • 2000s - 2010s fandom culture
    • stamps, blinkies, pixels
    • early deviantart
      • oc trading/selling culture
    • tumblr pre-dashcon
    • tumblr and 4chan screenshots (i am so sorry)
  • vinesauce. i love vinesauce. been a fan since i was 12
aug 26 2024 ∞
sep 16 2024 +