- ▣⠀ apples, apples, apples!
- ☐⠀ bake an apple dessert
- ☐⠀ chicago film festival
- ▣⠀ drink tea! all the time!
- ☐⠀ explore local cemeteries & woods
- ▣⠀ hard cider search
- ☐⠀ join a fiction book club & attend regularly
- ☐⠀ join a knitting group & attend regularly
- ☑⠀ light candles! most nights!
- ▣⠀ make soup/stew/chili (nearly) every weekend
- ☑⠀ michigan hard cider tour
- ☑⠀ read more of the vampire chronicles
- ☑⠀ read under a tree in a park
- ☐⠀ shop at farmers' markets
- ▣⠀ spend more time outside
- ☑⠀ take a knitting workshop
- ☐⠀ take a weaving class?
- ▣⠀ watch as many horror movies as i can stand
aug 11 2024 ∞
oct 6 2024 +