• y'all gassing up icis spicis and her shit music so much that she thinks she can outdo latto will never not be funny. do some reading on the lyrics to both think u the shit and sunday service then tell me who can actually rap
  • people are more than allowed to have their opinions on music. if someone says "i don't like x" or "i think x's music is terrible", they shouldn't be bullied/dogpiled by said artist's rabid fanbase. stans who waste their time vigorously defending an artist who doesn't even know of their existence or care about both them and the person stating their opinion in the slightest are incredibly stupid to me
  • a non black mf saying nigga (in a non-prejudiced manner) doesn't make them racist, just dumb. nigger is another story though
  • the "black people can't be racist" stance is the dumbest shit ever. the definition of racism (lifted from google) is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group". if a black person makes fun of an asian person for being asian, that's racist. any race can be racist, and any race can experience racism
  • slavery needs to stop being used as a crutch to excuse racism toward white people
  • misandry is ridiculous
  • the comments under reels with girls that have down syndrome are gross. leave the mentally disabled alone bruh
  • dollieguts ruined an entire generation of artists. πŸ˜‹
  • modern slang is seizure inducing
  • christianity and its various branches are cults!
  • (this bit is kind of rambly and doesn't have much to do with what was said above but STILL) it's ludicrous to me when ppl say god is loving and forgiving and blah blah blah when this is also the same sky daddy who was wrathful as all get out and had people killed in his name!!! i don't know about you but i don't think it's very gracious of this god to demand human sacrifices!!! slow motion this side MMMMMMM is Baal the actual god in the bible?!!? because the shit they have this fucker doing and saying is anything BUT abounding in love! Manasseh sawed Isaiah (A PROPHET) in half and bro let him get away scot-free but Achan takes a coat and gets stoned to death... come on now. ok sorry for the rant yall
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apr 11 2024 ∞
apr 19 2024 +