catalog of all the wacky ass shit i think of when my eyes were closed.

  • 191013
    • dreamt i was at some type of educational camp. kids were loud and rowdy n overwhelming the instructors so they split us off from group activities to solo activities. solo activi were all silent and unbearably boring so the kids rebelled one by one and were sent back to go to the group activities. finally the instructors sent the last group of kids that hadn’t rebelled (myself included) to decide if we wanted to join the group activities.i didn’t bc i was learning more in the solo group. i was agitated that the instructors clearly wanted us to go back to group activities but didn’t want to order us back.
  • 140304
    • dreamt that i was on a college campus and there was a swine flu/28 days later type of outbreak. a girl's dorm was infected and they were all rounded up and put into an abandoned prep school on campus. it was fun at first but we all got bored and started fussing so they let us go outside and watch a 5k but we kept calling to ppl, causing them to run over to greet us and get infected, oops. meanwhile, a few military/school officials got infected and became furious and so started trying to infect other teachers/officials and when they refused to cooperate aka let themselves become infected, they killed them. this was a weird dream if only bc it felt like a movie and idr myself being in it at all.
  • 140114
    • i was in high school/uni in china/korea (not sure) and there was a zombie outbreak starting. i traveled back and forth between the school to the subway station looking for my dad, who was in china at the time and said he would meet me there. but he never showed. i also texted my sister furiously, who ig was also in china and pregnant at the time, but she only txted me back once (saying she was fine) and then she never responded back again so i was freaking out. i joined a prayer line at the subway station and then returned back to the school. the teachers/professors put us in into different classes that were filled up with students and had us do busywork (aka write essays on videos we watched) while they went to the breakroom and discussed things that were happening in the city. i made a friend of this random kid named toby who later asked me if could carry him on my back when we went back into the city bc he had a knee issue and couldn't run. he offered to saran wrap his limbs to his body so he wouldn't scratch me if he turned and i pointed out he could still bite me. but i agreed to it anyway. then the teachers started letting in refugees from the city into the classrooms so they could also be safe. the group that the prof let into my classroom has my sister, mom, and dad so i was crying with relief and hugging them all. then the two teachers in my room commented that the nxt classroom had gotten awfully noisy. we put it off as that room being rowdy until we started hearing screaming and the teachers couldn't reach the other prof in that room on the walkie talkie. the zombie outbreak had reached the school. we locked the doors, turned off the lights, and got down low on the floor. you could see the shadows of the zombies getting larger against the glass paned doors of the room. then i woke up bc my body knows i am a gigantic pussy.


  • i dreamt my sister and i were in lousiana and we were famous alligator hunters. we were on an impt case where we were tracking a huge murderous alligator that ate ppl and we had to stay in a shack by the swamp. but then nicole got sick with alligator flu and i had to nurse her back to health. our family tried to come down to see us but i kicked them out bc she was highly contagious. at the end of the dream, she was getting worse and worse, having fever dreams and passing out.


    • dreamt i was working out at a fitness park with my sister and while running the track, we started to race two women and a guy. they started cheating on the track (skipping obstacles and taking shortcuts on the run length) so my sister and i did too. it eventually became a free for all to see who could win. my sister and i ended up winning but at the end of the track, we were berated by one of my classmates (lievens) which was embarrassing and annoying. i woke up sweaty and sick, which is a w e s o m e.
jan 21 2014 ∞
jan 25 2020 +