Dear Mother,

I feel grateful that being here at where I am at work, is amplifying where I want to be / where I prefer to go.

I feel thankful that my work situation is mirroring to me and showing me that this is not where I want to be - there is another place or places, I long to go and dream of going.

And that's okay.

I'm allowed to leave places I have outgrown. I don't have to be cruel to myself for feeling that way.

I can start to remove the judgements, ego stories, and wounding I keep attaching to my desires and to my decisions and actions.

    • Also, now we have space to dream a new dream. :) To imagine what we would like instead, what do we dream of having? More than having...what do we dream of living? Being?
    • Even that you don't have to have all figured out. Feel in to and explore your curiousities. Play! Have fun. Hihi - approach life like an adventure game where you have options and trust that nothing will be a wrong choice, just always a redirection.

Mother, Christ, please help me. It's a process that I want to go through because only in that way can I live from a place of authenticity.

Thank you for helping me always uncover my truth and realize my self further, deeper, brighter, wider.

Please grant me the grace and humility to surrender what I do not have control over and to trust in your divine plan and immense power to take care of others - even those I care most about, or care little about.

At the same time, please inspire me to act from a place of compassion, humility, and trust.

Compassion doesn't mean people-pleasing or making sure everyone is happy, Aien.

mar 19 2024 ∞
apr 1 2024 +