• “Fear is a seed that, once planted, never stops growing.” ~Sara Raasch Snow Like Ashes
  • “You combine hard work, creativity, and self-determination, and things start to happen.” ~Sophia Amoruso
  • “Dignity /ˈdignitē/ noun

The moment you realize that the person you cared for has nothing intellectually or spiritually to offer you, but a headache.

The moment you realize God had greater plans for you that don’t involve crying at night or sad Pinterest quotes.

The moment you stop comparing yourself to others because it undermines your worth, education and your parent’s wisdom.

The moment you live your dreams, not because of what it will prove or get you, but because that is all you want to do. People’s opinions don’t matter. The moment you realize that no one is your enemy, except yourself.

The moment you realize that you can have everything you want in life. However, it takes timing, the right heart, the right actions, the right passion and a willingness to risk it all. If it is not yours, it is because you really didn’t want it, need it or God prevented it.

The moment you realize the ghost of your ancestors stood between you and the person you loved. They really don’t want you mucking up the family line with someone that acts anything less than honorable.

The moment you realize that happiness was never about getting a person. They are only a helpmate towards achieving your life mission.

The moment you believe that love is not about losing or winning. It is just a few moments in time, followed by an eternity of situations to grow from.

The moment you realize that you were always the right person. Only ignorant people walk away from greatness.” ~Shannon L. Alder

  • “I remember one morning getting up at dawn, there was such a sense of possibility. You know, that feeling? And I remember thinking to myself: So, this is the beginning of happiness. This is where it starts. And of course there will always be more. It never occurred to me it wasn’t the beginning. It was happiness. It was the moment. Right then.” ~Clarissa Vaughan, The Hours.
  • “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” ~Lao Tzu
  • “Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” ~Robert Holden
  • “The flower doesn’t dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes.” ~Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening
  • Effort won't betray you.
  • “I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.” ~John Keating in Dead Poets Society
  • To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go. ~Tao Te Ching
  • “One must accept the fact that others don’t see what you do.” ~Louise Bourgeois, Artist
  • “It lasts only two hours, but if the movie’s good, maybe you can forget who you are, and just think about what you could be. You know sometimes when you get up from your seat and you feel very important? I think that’s when a movie really captures you.” ~Xavier Dolan
  • “An intellectual? Yes. And never deny it. An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. I like this, because I am happy to be both halves, the watcher and the watched. “Can they be brought together?” This is a practical question. We must get down to it. “I despise intelligence” really means: “I cannot bear my doubts.” ~Albert Camus
  • “In any case you mustn’t confuse a single failure with a final defeat.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is the Night
  • "Not everything is supposed to become something beautiful and long-lasting. Sometimes people come into your life to show you what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or to just be someone to walk with at night and spill your life to. Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they’ve given us." ~Emery Allen
  • “Letters are just pieces of paper,“ I said. “Burn them, and what stays in your heart will stay; keep them, and what vanishes will vanish.” ~Haruki Murakami
  • “No one is you and that is your power.” ~Dave Grohl
  • “No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.” ~Mary Wollstonecraft
  • “The worst thing in the world can happen, but the next day the sun will come up. And you will eat your toast. And you will drink your tea.” ~Rhian Ellis, After Life
  • “Every thing that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form.”
  • “Stop waiting for friday, for summer, for a boy to fall in love with you. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make something of the moment you’re in right now.”

“Perhaps if I make myself write I shall find out what is wrong with me.” ~Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle

  • “Try to love yourself as much as you want someone else to.”
  • You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.” ~Cormac McCarthy
  • “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.” ~Lao Tzu
  • "Death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life." ~Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood.
  • The beauty of another does not mean the absence of my own.
  • “You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn’t change its nature.” ~Eliza Crewe, Crushed
  • “Having a low opinion of yourself is not modesty. It’s self-destruction.”
  • “The mouth should have three gatekeepers. Is it true? Is it kind? And is it necessary?” ~Arab proverb
  • “I am not mad, I do not think of impossible things. I am not stupid, I may be good for something one day. And If I do get easily saddened, it is because I have inherited a dramatic soul, more easily given to sadness than to joy.” ~Anaïs Nin, from a diary entry
  • “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” ~Robin Williams
  • “Perfection is static, and I am in full progress.” ~Anais Nin
  • “I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past.”
  • “Even in the most peaceful surroundings the angry heart finds a quarrel. Even in the most quarrelsome surroundings the grateful heart finds peace.” ~Doe Zantamata
  • “There exists, for everyone, a sentence - a series of words - that has the power to destroy you. Another sentence exists, another series of words, that could heal you. If you’re lucky you will get the second, but you can be certain of getting the first.” ~Philip K. Dick, VALIS
  • “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” ~Gautama Buddha
  • “There were different kinds of strength. I knew that now. It didn’t always come from a knife or a willingness to fight. Sometimes it came from endurance, where the well ran deep and quiet. Sometimes it came from compassion and forgiveness.” ~Ann Aguirre, Enclave
  • "There is no such thing as a ‘self-made’ man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success." ~George Matthew Adams
  • “Sensitive suffer more, but they love more and dream more.” ~Augusto Cury
  • “I’m better than you think. I’m even better than I think I am.” ~Dave Eggers, The Wild Things
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.” ~Albert Einstein
  • Who the hell said you no longer had it in you? ~Charles Bukowski
  • “What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now.” ~Gautama Buddha
  • "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't." ~Bill Nye
  • “The Law of Attraction is all about vibration. Everything is vibrational your thoughts , your ideas , every being. You will draw to you whatever vibration matches yours , wanted or unwanted.”
  • “Anytime you’re gonna grow, you’re gonna lose something. You’re losing what you’re hanging onto to keep safe. You’re losing habits that you’re comfortable with, you’re losing familiarity.” ~James Hillman
  • Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven. ~Edward de Bono
  • “The shoe that fits one person pinches another. There is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” ~Carl Jung
  • “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” ~Samuel Beckett
  • “You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.” ~Frank McCourt
  • “She encouraged herself to see her very small presence in the world as a good thing, a power, something that a hero might possess” ~Helen Oyeyemi, Mr. Fox
  • “Elegance is a glowing inner peace. Grace is an ability to give as well as to receive and be thankful. Mystery is a hidden laugh always ready to surface! Glamour only radiates if there is a sublime courage & bravery within: glamour is like the moon; it only shines because the sun is there.” ~C. JoyBell C
  • “In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.” ~aaron rose
  • Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Ask yourself this question: ‘Will this matter a year from now?’ ~Richard Carlson
  • There are always flowers for those who want to see them. ~Henri Matisse
  • When I realized I was not my body, I became free.
  • The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white. Neither need you do anything but be yourself. ~Lao Tzu
  • She’s sensitive, too. Takes to hurt the way water takes to paper. ~Junot Díaz, This Is How You Lose Her
  • The world has a soul and whoever understands that soul can also understand the language of many things. ~Paulo Coelho
  • So please ask yourself: What would I do if I weren’t afraid? And then go do it. ~Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
  • No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence. ~Jean Houston
  • What I try to do is write. I may write for two weeks ‘the cat sat on the mat, that is that, not a rat,’…. And it might be just the most boring and awful stuff. But I try. When I’m writing, I write. And then it’s as if the muse is convinced that I’m serious and says, ‘Okay. Okay. I’ll come. ~Maya Angelou
  • People around you, constantly under the pull of their emotions, change their ideas by the day or by the hour, depending on their mood. You must never assume that what people say or do in a particular moment is a statement of their permanent desires. ~Robert Greene
  • You see, I don’t think the sunrise is as good as the moonlight. ~Candy Darling, from an interview when asked to sum up her own life
  • I do not want to be human. I want to be myself. They think I am a lion, that I will chase them. I will not deny I have lions in me. I am the monster in the wood. I have wonders in my house of sugar. I have parts of myself I do not yet understand. ~Catherynne M. Valente
  • Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. ~H. Jackson Brown Jr.
  • I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer. ~Jim Carrey
feb 27 2015 ∞
dec 17 2015 +