Coool Tip : Lemon & Radish have natural bleaching properties

  • Homemade Setting Spray/Prep Spray

2 vit E capsules Filtered water glycerin 1 tsp Rose water 3 tbsp Witch hazel couple of drops Spray/Mister bottle 2-4 oz.

  • Homemade Toner

2 Tbs. of Apple Cider Vinegar4 Tbs. of Distilled Water

  • Cleanser # 1: Milk and cotton ball
  • Cleanser # 2: Slice cucumber then dice into mince paste, then rub over face, sit for 5 mins
  • Cleanser # 3: Rose water soaked into cotton ball
  • Cleanser # 4:
mar 23 2014 ∞
mar 23 2014 +