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nearly all of my special interests are things i put extensive research into or at least have a lot more knowledge compared to a lot of other people.

this is not in any particular order other than vague categories.

  • the red dead series.

includes both revolver and redemption, but redemption is my favorite & the one i talk about the most. my interest peaked back in 2011 not long after the first game's release, and has been nonstop since.

i know nearly everything about the redemption 1 and am still learning about red dead 2, and i have general knowledge on revolver. i don't care much for revolver but sometimes my autism will take me to places i wouldn't touch with a 30-foot pole otherwise.

  • dragon age.

i've been into dragon age since around 2014, but never actually finished any entry in the series until 2018 (only getting around to completing the first three games in 2022).

i actually have a massive love-hate relationship with dragon age. i call it my evil special interest because it will not release me even though i cannot really say a single good thing about it other than i like it.

  • fallout.

i have played all the fallout games except for fallout 2, brotherhood of steel, and fallout tactics. i have only finished 3 but i have gotten very far in fallout new vegas and 4 (nearly completed with 4, i've just been wandering around instead of doing the main quest).

fallout 3 is my favorite game while i dislike new vegas, sorry lol.

  • warrior cats.

this one's more of a dormant interest, and i don't really trust a lot of warrior cat fans. i was insanely into it back in 2009 but i stopped reading after TPOT and haven't been able to keep up since. i can talk a lot about it still though.

  • animals, broadly.

i've been interested in animals for as long as i can remember. this is probably my oldest interest. i am interested in literally all animals, and always intrigued at learning more about them.

  • birds, ornithology.

they're my favorite animals as a whole, and it makes me incredibly happy knowing they're literally everywhere. i can help attempt to ID birds (by picture, potentially by description, but not call - at least not yet. i also cannot guarantee i'll find your bird).

  • chickens, chicken genetics.

chickens aren't my favorite birds, but i do have a major interest in raising my own and taking care of my own. i also really enjoy learning about their genetics and how chicken breeding works.

  • paleontology.

dinosaurs and prehistoric animals are another topic i'm incredibly passionate about. i dislike most (but not all) outdated depictions of dinosaurs (and other prehistoric animals), but i don't really care if you like them lol.

  • farming.

farming as a whole is a pretty big interest of mine. while i'm more interested in the animal-side of things, i'm still highly invested in gardening. i just can't help with gardening tips or anything like that at this moment.

  • horses.

i'm not incredibly well-versed in horses yet, and i'm on the fence on calling horses a special interest - but i know a lot, lot more than most people so it's here for now.

  • speculative biology and evolution.

i can talk about this for a while. i'm not good on the math side, but it's still a massive interest of mine.

may 10 2024 ∞
sep 7 2024 +