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My own Canterbury Tales with just the Old English and the grey cloth binding (I don't know the edition but there's no way she'll let me take it so I need to find it)


Nicer versions of the 'quintessential' Ayn Rand texts I have


C.S. Lewis on Nietzsche annotated by Ayn Rand (I forgor the name)


My own (quality) copies of William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of England and The Lives of the Twelve Caesars (for the former, I want the version that has the large margins)


Anything Barbera Tuchman wrote (a nice version of A Distant Mirror would be nice)


Someday I want a nice shelf with Beowulf, Saga of the Volsungs, Gilgamesh, Le Morte d'Arthur, Sir Gawain & the Greene Knight (Tolkein's ver.) and that other French text full of comedic theatrical plays. Ordered from thinnest to thickest, else on the shelf will be The Canterbury Tales and the Decameron.

may 2 2024 ∞
may 2 2024 +