big picture
- 5.8hrs
- read 1 hr
- pilates
- track calories
- update motion
- meditation
goals for dec 5 - jan 4
- 5.8hrs - 17/30
- read 1 hr - 30/30
- pilates - 28/30
- track calories - 25/30
- update motion - 30/30
- meditation - 30/30
dec 4 2024
- 5.8hrs
- read 1 hr
- pilates
- track calories
- update motion
- meditation
stats: nov 5 - dec 4
- 5.8hrs: 14/30 - 47%
- read 1 hr: 30/30 - 100%
- pilates: 23/30 - 77%
- calories 21/30 - 70%
- update motion: 28/30 - 93%
- reflection: obviously getting sick and vacation did not help my work statistics; however, i'm proud of my health and reading progress. less in the weeds than i was when i first started this particular exercise. hope to improve in the next 30 days. lost about 3lbs, which is not bad considering thanksgiving fell during this period.
nov 5 2024 ∞
dec 4 2024 +