list icon

Twitter's profile is a poor place to learn about humans, so here is a listography replacing my cool tumblr about page telling other humans about this highly peculiar homo sapiens typing shit on the internet. good luck reading it though

  • hey I'm Windii, some little bitch who's a leftist and "content" "creator"
  • Russian-Ukrainian if you care
  • extremely online and media. interests shift and swim every few months these days. if the things I like are important to you, you'll probably know them within a couple days of following me because I talk about them constantly
  • I only have the energy to make "educational" and "informative" content on the internet. when it comes to everything else, I'm pretty much dead
  • I'm a lesbian and my gender is pbbbbhhhttt hurr burr *windows error sound* idk. you can call me dude or guy or whatever though. do whatever you want
  • I'm an anti, "fancop," fun-hating puritanical censorship advocate etc etc whatever the fuck. I'm going to personally destroy all ships I don't like and burn your multi-volume Ao3 epics. all of them.
  • poorer than middle-class
  • I translate Japanese media stuff, sometimes for money, sometimes for clout, and sometimes just to distract myself from earth's impending doom
  • I write and draw shit too but if I ever start posting it publicly I might go under a different name bc as it turns out a total of 10 people surprisingly respect me as a content creator and if they realize my drawings/writings are actually really shitty they will not be able to talk to me and not think about how shitty they are
  • I operate via reciprocity. if you're friendly, I'll be friendly. if you're annoying, I'll be annoyed. if you're annoying and have a change of heart and stop being annoying, I will notice the change and immediately stop being annoyed in kind
  • before you ask yes I do the Discord thing but unless we're already good friends or you want to ask an important question there you'll likely just stupidly sit in my friends list with no purpose because I'm really not the conversation starter. sorry. it's nothing personal
  • hahahaha you read my listography what is wrong with you

enjoy ur stay and exit through the gift shop

oct 21 2019 ∞
sep 30 2023 +