♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- ariana grande
- sza
- arca
- ethel cain
- odd eye circle
- frank ocean
♥ ♥ ♥
- the weeknd
- carly rae jepsen
- rihanna
- kali uchis
- don toliver
- travis scott
- le sserafim
- imogen heap/frou frou
- tyler, the creator
- paramore
♥ ♥
- deftones
- f(x)
- newjeans
- childish gambino
- charli xcx
- lorde
- lil uzi vert
- twice
heres my playlist ngl: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4szlzKpC28fAk5nn3hiQmw?si=cdce4bb025114be6
feb 29 2024 ∞
dec 2 2024 +