(Emoji used to represent them on Discord)
Description - whatever a member wants to write; it could be a sentence about themselves, a quote, or anything else.
- Initials - a member's PK proxy and/or a representation on Discord because they don't use an emoji.
- Age - a member's internal (not body) age.
- Species - the type of being a member is.
- Gender label(s) - if applicable, label(s) a member uses to describe their gender(s) or lack thereof.
- Orientation label(s) - if applicable, label(s) a member uses to describe their orientation or lack thereof.
- Pronouns - pronouns you(&) should use when referring to a member in third person.
- Auxiliary pronouns - pronouns you(&) can use in place of the neopronouns, which can be difficult for disabled people and/or non-native English speakers.
- In-system partners - a member's significant other(s) in the system, if they choose to show them.
- p: platonic
- qp: queerplatonic
- rom: romantic
- quadrants of Alternian/Beforan (Homestuck) troll romance: <> (pale), <3 (red), <3< (black), c3< (ashen)
- These do not describe the closeness of a relationship, they merely describe its form.
- Other - whatever a member wants. Often includes familial relations, and credit for icons.