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Adult, disabled, queer plural systems. We support all types of plurals.

Please do NOT call us alters, parts, personalities, or introjects.

We prefer people, system members, fictives, factives, walk-ins, and soulbonds. We do not have a host.

Main: Fronters
Ongoing: Things that apply to all of us
Archive: Other members

Society Grimm Ruby Rose (video game emoji)
Ruby Rose (lollipop emoji)
Ruby Rose (bricks emoji)
Ruby Rose (dizzy emoji)
Ruby Rose (Rozbear/pizza emoji)

About Us

Last updated: 10 February 2024

We are (at least three) (gateway) plural side-systems existing in one chassis:

  • Amphora Circuitry , aka 🏺⚡
    • Can be called "Amphorae" or "the Circuitry" for short.
  • Satellite System (Satellites), aka 🛰️
  • Intranet , aka 💻
    • Note: It's NOT "Intranet System" or "Intranet Collective" or anything like that. It's just "Intranet".

🏺⚡ • 🛰️ • 💻

  • Please do NOT call us alters, parts, headmates, personalities, or introjects.
  • We prefer people, system members, systemmates, fictives/factives, soulbonds, walk-ins, or beings.
nov 6 2019 ∞
feb 9 2024 +


Last updated: 24 October 2023

  • Please DO NOT out us as plural/a system and/or queer or share this link (or any of our social media usernames) to anyone.
  • We don't have a host, and our fronting roster cycles periodically. Please do not prioritize one member over another(s).
  • Please respect our plurality, individuality, and boundaries.
    • We view ourselves as separate, whole people and have no desire to be a singlet in any way.
    • We don't view our plurality as a disorder.
    • We don't use origin labels for ourselves.
  • Please do NOT call us alters, parts, personalities, or introjects.
  • We prefer people, system members, systemm...
jun 21 2021 ∞
dec 1 2023 +

Last updated: 11 August 2023


  • Fictive:
    • people made by the brain based on a fictional character (brain-formed fictive)
    • or people whose soul got transferred from another universe into this one, where a version of their universe is depicted in a work of fiction (walk-in fictive)
  • Factive:
    • people made by the brain based on a real-life person (brain-formed factive)
    • or people whose soul got transferred from another universe into this one - they're alternate-universe versions of existing people (walk-in factive)
  • Fucktive: Someone who is between fictive and factive, or is a fictive and a factive at the same time.
  • Fact-alterhuman: alternative term for "factive", used by ...
sep 13 2021 ∞
aug 11 2023 +


(Emoji used to represent them on Discord)

Description - whatever a member wants to write; it could be a sentence about themselves, a quote, or anything else.

  • Initials - a member's PK proxy and/or a representation on Discord because they don't use an emoji.
  • Age - a member's internal (not body) age.
  • Species - the type of being a member is.
  • Gender label(s) - if applicable, label(s) a member uses to describe their gender(s) or lack thereof.
  • Orientation label(s) - if applicable, label(s) a member uses to describe their orientation or lack thereof.
  • Pronouns - pronouns you(&) should use when referring to a member in third person.
  • Auxiliary pronouns - pronouns you(&) can use in place of the neopronouns, which can be difficult for...
may 28 2020 ∞
sep 28 2023 +

Disclaimer: These are sources we consider inclusive of all forms of plurality and don't engage in fakeclaiming. However, this is not an endorsement, we don't agree with everything on every site, nor does everything fit us (or will fit you - YMMV!) - we get no monetary profits from this and we are not responsible for the contents in these sites.

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

What is Plurality / Multiplicity / a System?

  • More Than One (brief intro to plurality)
  • Layman's Guide to Multiplicity (this resource is very old, but most of it holds up. It's not "outdated" as in "bigoted", but has terms that are no longer in wide use like "dark ones", and it mostly is about systems like us: "a system is a group of people and every member is a whole person", as opposed to "a system is one person with dissociated parts". Neither of those is a universal experience. )
  • Dispelling Plurality Myths (exactly what it says on the tin)
may 4 2021 ∞
oct 18 2023 +