• i may not reply to all comments left on my profile or on my attacks. it is NOTHING PERSONAL ... i get very overwhelmed/swamped with notifications each year, and it was especially rough in 2023. i love and appreciate all positivity abt my art and OCs, and i do read them all !! if i don't respond, please envision a shriveled up intimidated little guy and um be less mad at me
  • ive had people send me DMs begging for revenges before, and ive always been too polite to block / etc , so i'm just asking that you b courteous and patient with me ! i tend to focus on my friends and mutuals most, so please dont be offended if i dont attack back!
  • i see attacks as they are posted, but i may comment late ! this is NOT because i dislike the attack or dont appreciate it.. for similar reasons like the not responding to compliments, i just get very overwhelmed with lots of notifications + people to respond to ! i love all art given to me, it's genuinely so humbling , it's part of the reason i wait to leave a meaningful comment- when im overwhelmed, i might not be in the best mindset to reply.. but if i wait a bit i can express my feelings abt the piece properly!!
  • i am autistic , disabled , and work a full-time (very emotionally taxing) teaching job. i burn out easily , but i do try to revenge where i can and to get through my hitlist!
jun 17 2024 ∞
jun 17 2024 +