❁ Eu deixo para trás condições limitantes e adentro uma ampla e variada gama de oportunidades

❁ I inhale confidence, prosperity, & balance; I exhale frustration, self-doubt, & worry

❁ I allow myself to communicate my needs & wants with clarity, courage, & kindness

❁ I create the joy, success, & balance in my life with ease

❁ I’m rich. I’m financially stable. I have cash flowing in from multiple avenues. I’m amazing at saving money. I’m healthy. I have my dream home. My job doesn’t feel like work. Creativity flows freely through me. I am respected. I am surrounded by love and support.

❁ My life is going to be completely different in 3 months. More stability in all areas: mentally, emotionally, spiritually & financially.

aug 5 2020 ∞
sep 14 2023 +