- adeyemi, tomi legacy of orïsha
- children of blood and bone
- albert, melissa the hazel wood
- black, holly folk of the air
- the cruel prince ✩ ↺
- the wicked king ✩
- clare, cassandra the mortal instruments
- garber, stephanie caraval
- caraval ✩ ↺
- legendary ✩
- finale ✩
- hardinge, frances deeplight
- johnson, maureen truly devious
- truly devious ↺
- the vanishing stair ✩
- kaufman, amie and kristoff, jay the aurora cycle
- aurora rising ✩ ↺
- aurora burning
- kemmerer, brigid cursebreakers
- a curse so dark and lonely ✩ ↺
- a heart so fierce and broken
- lim, elizabeth the blood of stars
- mahurin, shelby serpent & dove
- matharu, taran contender
- the chosen
- the challenger
- meyer, marissa renegades
- ngan, natasha girls of paper and fire
- girls of storm and shadow
- rogerson, margaret sorcery of thorns
- rutherford, mara crown of coral and pearl
- shusterman, neal arc of a scythe
- scythe ↺
- thunderhead
- the toll
- kaguya-sama: love is war vol. 7 - 12
- uzumaki vol. 1 - 3 ✩
- yakusoku no neverland vol. 17 - 18
read count: 34
dec 31 2019 ∞
jan 1 2021 +