- abominable
- alien
- cars 3 ↺
- cats & dogs ↺
- clueless ↺
- the curious case of benjamin button ✩ ↺
- the devil wears prada ✩ ↺
- a dog's journey
- drop dead fred ✩ ↺
- the duff
- ferdinand
- flushed away ✩ ↺
- the grand budapest hotel ✩
- hachi: a dog's tale
- hop
- the incredibles 2 ↺
- knives out ✩
- life
- the lizzie mcguire movie ↺
- love and monsters
- luca
- marley & me ↺
- the martian
- midnight sky
- mixtape
- the mummy
- never been kissed ↺
- outbreak
- precious
- the purge
- rio
- the road to el dorado ✩ ↺
- saturday night live: the best of jimmy fallon ✩
- the shape of water
- she's all that
- she's the man ↺
- spider-man: no way home ✩
- spirited away ✩ ↺
- stuart little
- the terminal
- to all the boys: always and forever
- the truman show
- unfriended
- a whisker away
- whisper of the heart
- wild
- wrong turn (2021)
- your name ↺
jan 1 2021 ∞
dec 30 2021 +