max 30 min

  • (Tommy-Chat Just E-mailed Me.) (2006) 7 mins
  • Amphetamine (1966) 10 mins - gays and drugs
  • Arne möter döden/Arne Meets Death (2022) 28 mins
  • Bland svenska bögar och lesbiska i New York (1994) 29 mins
  • Blue Diary (1997) 6 mins - lesbian
  • Bros Before (2022) 19 mins - gay and trans and probably literally me
  • Bögjävlar/Damned Queers (1977) 21 mins
  • Camp Trans (2016) 6 mins
  • Come Together (2016) 4 mins - wes anderson h&m ad???
  • Do You Like to Read? (2012) 5 mins
  • Evil of Dracula (1997) 2 mins
  • Fauve (1991) 10 mins
  • Fauve (2018) 17 mins
  • Get Real! (2010)
  • Havets sang/Song of the Sea (1993) 27 mins - animation
  • His Smell (2023) 14 mins - gay
  • Kustom Kar Kommandos (1965) 3 mins
  • Le Voyage dans la Lune/A Trip to the Moon (1902) 15 mins - old, classic
  • Lucifer Rising (1972) 29 mins
  • Lucky Blue (2007) 28 mins - gay?
  • Museum of Wax (1987) 21 mins - gay?
  • Narziss und Echo (1990) 14 mins
  • Not a Jealous Bone (1987) 11 mins
  • Pépé le morse/Grandpa Walrus (2017) 15 mins
  • Primer (2019) 8 mins
  • Prisioneros/Prisoners (1999) 19 mins - homoerotic?
  • Scorpio Rising (1963) 28 mins - SEXUAL NAZIS
  • Steen/Brick (2013) 14 mins - gay?
  • Strawberry Short-Cut (1991) 1 min - drag
  • Suur Tõll (2021) 7 mins
  • Suur Tõll/Tyll the Giant (1980) 13 mins
  • The Big Shave (1967) 6 mins
  • The Strange Thing About the Johnsons (2011) 30 mins - horror
  • Tulip (2021) link
  • Un Chien Andalou (1929) 21 mins
  • Алиса в Стране чудес/Alice in Wonderland (1981) 30 mins
  • Ёжик в тумане/Hedgehog in the Fog (1975) 11 mins
  • Жил-был Козявин/There Lived Kozyavin (1966) 9 mins
  • Малыш и Карлсон/Junior and Karlson (1968) 19 mins
  • Поговорим?/Shall We Talk? (2020) 5 mins - queer
  • Полигон/Polygon (1977) 10 mins
  • Раньше было другое время/There used to be another time (1987) 17 mins
  • Сказка сказок/Tale of Tales (1979) 29 mins
  • Следствие ведут Колобки. Похищение века/Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the century (1983) 10 mins
  • Стеклянная гармоника/The Glass Harmonica (1968) 21 mins - anamtion
  • ガラス玉ねぎ/Glass Onions (2014) 15 mins
  • とつくにの少女/The Girl from the Other Side (2019) 10 mins
  • 蝶服記/Butterfly (1974) 12 mins
sep 2 2024 ∞
sep 15 2024 +