- clean injection site with alcohol wipe
- do not inject until it is dry
- open end of syringe wrap
- open end of draw-up needle wrap
- take out syringe
- screw onto draw-up needle
- draw in air up to 0.4 mL
- flip top off testosterone
- stab syringe into testosterone bottle
- inject air into bottle
- tilt bottle upside down
- make sure tip of needle is submerged
- draw in medication up to 0.4 mL
- inject back into bottle until air pockets disappear
- draw in until 0.25 mL
- remove syringe from bottle
- place cap back onto needle and unscrew
- open and screw on injection needle
- slowly inject testosterone until a small drop comes out from the tip of the needle
- remove cap from needle
- pinch skin at least two inches from belly button and quickly stab at a 45° angle, diagonally from body, with bevel of needle facing up
- injection will be slow, once it is complete let go of skin and wait a moment
- withdraw quickly and properly dispose of all equipment
dec 24 2024 ∞
jan 6 2025 +