This is from It's surprisingly accurate, especially the first paragraph. Libra You love beautiful things, and that includes blank books, pens, papers, and other art supplies. You collect these things with enthusiasm, and you probably keep a journal merely as an excuse to use them. That is not to say that you don't love to write, because you do. You thoroughly enjoy making marks on paper, be it your rounded, slightly embellished handwriting, dabs of watercolor, or soothing pencil drawings. And though there may be long lapses between journal entries (when you've either lost interest or just didn't feel up to it), when you do sit down to write, you find that you have plenty to say. Plenty. There is a constant dialogue going on in your head, and you transfer it perfectly onto paper in a rambling, stream-of-consciousness style. Your journal provides a place to think on paper; a place to ponder decisions (but not to make any). You tend to write about your relationships with other people, and there is frequent mention of a partner of some sort: best friend, spouse, business partner, etc. There may be long rants about the unfairness of a given situation or about how someone is being mistreated. On a more personal level, a reading of your journal might uncover a wide range of emotions that never see the light of day anywhere else. If you are experiencing a creative block of any sort, check your journaling supplies. Make sure that you have a book and a pen that you truly love; you psyche will not stand for anything else. If you still feel blocked, find a way to acquire at least one new art supply, even if it is something small. The task of finding a use for a new toy will usually kick your artistic side into overdrive. If by some chance you are not already incorporating the visual into your journal, start immediately. You, more than any other sign, need images as well as words. Don't let perfectionism keep you from this. If necessary, keep a separate, inexpensive notebook handy specifically for experimentation. Better still, learn to create art from your mistakes. This will help you overcome your perfectionistic nature and feed your love of beauty besides. And speaking of mistakes, the fear of making them is the real culprit behind your indecisiveness. When you find yourself making long lists of pros and cons in your journal, for each choice, ask yourself this question: "What's the worst that could happen?". Pick the lesser of two evils and move on.

  • Your key words are: diplomatic, charming, gullible, indecisive, idealistic, refined, extravagant, fickle, and easy-going.
  • Your key karmic phrase is: I Balance.
  • How do you keep yourself centered?
  • Do you have a tendancy to "smile and act nice"? Why? When is this philosophy a hinderance?
  • Examine the role of beauty in your life.
  • What is your idea of gracious living?
  • Describe a time when someone was fooled by your easy-going appearance.
  • Freewrite on the following word: justice.
  • Consider the word serenity. What is it? What does it take to achieve it?
  • What soothes your soul?
mar 17 2009 ∞
aug 28 2009 +