From Scribbling:

  • For scribble work, it is sometimes best to have music playing in the background. The type and tempo of the music will be reflected in your drawing. Most of the examples shown here were influenced by Music From the Tea Lands, a Putamayo compilation. I also have a Best of James Bond CD. The theme from On Her Majesty's Secret Service is another of my inspirational favorites. This is a time to let loose and have fun, so choose whatever music energizes you.
  • Scribbling is one art form where it may be best to work with larger areas. I used 8 1/2 by 11 sheets of paper, which is large for me. You want to have enough space to feel uninhibited. You don't want to think; you just want to move your hand across the page.
  • Different media produce different results. Watercolors work best for me. If you work with these, you can change the brush shape and size for various effects. I also like to use Pentel Color Brush markers. Experiment with these, colored pencils, ballpoint pens - anything you have at hand.
  • If you are using watercolors or ink, you can use a drinking straw to blow color across the page. This can add some interesting accent points with contrasting colors.
  • There is no wrong way to scribble. This art is just for you. If you are the only one who can see the giant green bunny or the leaping lady on the page, all the better.
mar 17 2009 ∞
aug 28 2009 +