I work in a huuuge, oooold former mental institution, that is supposedly haunted. Unfortunately, I've never had anything creepy happen, but other people have...

  • One time when R came in to do some work on a weekend, she said she was wearing a skirt and as she came up the stairs to the second floor, she heard someone whistle at her. There was no one else in the building at the time.
  • That same day when R was here working, she was in her office doing something on her computer when she heard what sounded like someone walking down the hallway - floor creaking and everything. She said it sounded so much like someone walking that she stopped and said "hello?" to see if someone would answer, but no one did. She got up and looked around, and she was definately still the only one there.
  • D said that one time he came in on the weekend to do some maintenance and when he went down the right hallway on the first floor, he said he could really feel someone watching him and it felt like there was someone else there. He knew no one else was in the building, but it felt like there was. Then his son showed up a little while later and was fine until they went down that hallway. He said as soon as they stepped through the doors to the hallway his son said "oh, who else is here?" and he said "no one" and his son said "it feels like someone's watching us."
  • J had a couple toys from fast food restaurants on top of her air conditioner in her office. One of them was a monster thing from that Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends show (I think that's what it's called). She said that she kept coming in in the mornings to find that toy knocked on the floor. There were a couple other toys, but none of them would be moved, just the monster. Then one day she called me up to her office, and when I walked in I saw the monster on the floor like 15 feet from the air conditioner it was sitting on. She was freaked out and she said she was sitting at her computer when she heard the toy fall and when she turned around it was laying there on the floor. I picked it up and knocked it off a few times to see if it could have just fallen and rolled that far, but it definately couldn't have. It must have been knocked pretty hard to have gone that far. And this happened when she was sitting not 5 feet away from it, with her back turned. Creepy!
  • R had a friend come to work to see her once, and as soon as her friend walked in the building she started getting worked up saying things like "there are ghosts here!" and "I can't stay here!" so R said she'd just be a minute as she had to grab something out of her office. As they walked past L's office, L was sitting at her computer with her back to the door and R's friend said "there's a man in there yelling at her" because she said she saw a man standing behind L, yelling at her. That's f'ed.
  • One morning D came in and said she felt so creeped out like there was someone in the office with her. She said her hair was on end and she had goosebumps and just felt really uneasy and like she was being watched. She was so sure there was someone else in there that she had to call the other D to have him come and look around to make sure there was no one.
  • There's a conference room in our office with a tiny kitchen off of it (cause this used to be the mental institution and that section was a nurse's station) with a door that swings both ways and doesn't actually latch or anything. One time when S went in there, the door got stuck and she couldn't get out. She didn't realize at that time that the door swings both ways and that shouldn't have happened, so she just assumed it got stuck. She kept pushing and pushing and it finally opened, but after that she wouldn't go in there because she thought the door wouldn't open. Recently she had to go in there for something and realize the door just swings and that there was absolutely no reason for it to have stuck like that, trapping her in there.
jul 10 2009 ∞
jul 10 2009 +