- mbti type ⊹ ?
- enneagram + wing: ⊹ 6w7
- enneagram tritype: ⊹ 694
- temperment: ⊹ melancholic-sanguine
- instinctual variant: ⊹ self-preservation 6 (sp/so)
- attitudal psyche ⊹ ?
- socionics type ⊹ ?
- holland code ⊹ asi (artistic, social, investigative)
- dimensional highest scoring traits: ⊹ gratitude, cautiousness, cooperation, curiosity, artistic interests, love of learning, deliberation, imagination, humor, emotionality, teamwork, appreciation of beauty.
- mgram traits ⊹ cooperative, curious, anxious-minded, artistic, tough-on-yourself, safety-is-best.
jan 19 2025 ∞
feb 17 2025 +