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2024 ┋ 2025 ┋ wall of thought ┋ ideas
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(2025.03.02) what an absolute flop of a life. avoiding joy AND work. great. ┋ (2025.03.05) cant have no fun with dire consequences, hun. a mix of antidepressant deprivation, a sedentary lifestyle and hangover... why. ┋ (2025.03.13) I really don't understand why it's so hard to speak what I feel... all the time, since I can remember, and so often; even writing about it is so so hard. ┋ (2025.03.18) jesus christ... correndo pra terminar a tradução em tempo, e hj acabei lendo sobre o caso de sylvia likens e terminei a leitura vomitando, passei o resto do dia mal. não tenho estômago pra essas coisas (literally).
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(2025.02.04) alive but at what cost. today was rough, I don't know how to help them. ┋ (2025.02.05) thoroughly enjoying my internet rn; wish irl things were good too lol. and I really really wanna rewatch twin peaks but I can't find it anywhere. :( ┋ (2025.02.06) I can't believe something like this happened... I feel like I can breathe again. ┋ (2025.02.09) My cat holding my arm with one paw while falling asleep on my desk is the definition of a blessing. ┋ (2025.02.10) maybe my wishlist should be just the one item titled "money, bitch". ┋ I really miss being me... ┋ (2025.02.15) today was rough, buddy... depression-napped half the day and did nothing. couldn't even watch drag race. ┋ (2025.02.18) it's been nice having a personal blog again ('personal' being the imperative word here), I really missed this feeling. ┋ (2025.02.19) can't live life failing every. single. day. ┋ (2025.02.24) deus, escolhe outra guerreira. tá foda. ┋ (2025.02.27) I showed a friend my listography and I got the nicest comment from them: "I feel like I'm leafing through your favorite notebook", and you know what... yes they are.
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(2025.01.01) don't forget: today was a good day; partner, gaming, queer eye, listography, noodles & poke bowls ┋ (2025.01.03) had an amazing call with the Girls! ┋ (2025.01.06) really need to get basic shit together this year... i feel like I'm 18 all over again and I don't know what to do with the rest of my life. ┋ (2025.01.08) and we're officially back at therapy. ┋ (2025.01.09) cute lunch with the girls; felt almost alive. they do me good. <3 ┋ (2025.01.12) drinkies w hubby and internet calls with friends; obligations pile up... and I started budgeting the year. ┋ (2025.01.14) had to cancel therapy bc of migraine; died a little today. ┋ (2025.01.18) did I fix my sleep? we shall see. today can change my whole life, but idk if I really want that job... I fucking hate my brain. Day's update: flop. ┋ (2025.01.21) been lightheaded since I opened my eyes at 4:30am... is it the meds, is it insomnia, is it depression, who knows. ┋ (2025.01.30) it's done, I did it.