
✓ fanart/fmv (blanket for all works as long as it's credited)

✓ written works inspired by [my works] (with credit; see exceptions below)

ask first

〇 translations are allowed but please ask first. if the work is posted under my gift collection, it's most likely not open to translations. I do not allow translations to be posted outside ao3.

〇 podfics are allowed but please ask first. if the work is posted under my gift collection, it's most likely not open to translations.

〇 written works inspired by my work series.

〇 written work inspired by collaborations with other writers.


✕ reposting my work in other websites such as wattpad, aff,, etc. please, do not ever upload my work outside ao3 or take credit for them.

✕ translations posted in other websites such as wattpad, aff,, etc. please, do not ever upload translations of my work outside ao3 or take credit for them.

✕ written work inspired by any of my commissions.

✕ adaptation of my work or the use of any of them as a base for a different fic/pairing. anything that alters my original work.

nov 8 2023 ∞
apr 27 2024 +