• ★★★★★ - ultimate all-time favourite
  • ★★★★½ - exceptional tier / excellent movie, my type of shit, one of my favourites but still not in the "ultimate all-time" tier
  • ★★★★ - great tier / still excellent, smart and impactful, outstanding / i would recommend and would easily watch it again / an undeniably great movie regardless of your preferred genre
  • ★★★½ - good tier / solid, interesting concept or execution, good performances but not outstanding
  • ★★★ - okay tier / unfortunately forgettable, mediocre-okay, wouldn't care of watching it again but would not spontaneously choose to rewatch / or it just made me laugh and i had slightly a fun time watching it
  • ★★½ - poor tier / absolutely forgettable, mediocre-bad, not horrible to the extent i got disappointed / maybe i expected for it to be at least ★★★ but it is not
  • ★★ - bad tier / disappointing, NOT my type of movie / wouldn't watch again
  • ★½ - did someone even tried to do something tier / still bad, but some effort is noticeable
  • ★ - horrible tier / not necessarily offensive, but intentions are odd
  • ½ - shit tier / failure, offensive, made with (probably) bad intentions

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feb 6 2025 ∞
feb 12 2025 +