list icon

celeste (2018), 185.7 hrs

  • added to steam library on 03/24/2023
  • completed 100% achievements on 10/29/2023 (7 months)
  • currently working towards max%
  • 185 berries

muse dash (2019), 97.7 hrs

  • added to steam library in april of 2022
  • completed 100% achievements on 4/10/2023 (1 year)
  • level 1300+
  • currently able to play level 10 songs
  • working towards fc level 10 / playing level 11 songs

flow free (2012)

  • downloaded before february of 2022
  • 5000+ puzzles completed in free play mode
  • started daily puzzle streak on 4/11/2022
  • over 650 day streak
dec 3 2023 ∞
feb 3 2024 +