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  • aguamenti: conjures a jet of clear, pure water and shoots it from the tip of the caster's wand.
  • alohomora: unlocks and opens doors, windows and objects that are not protected by magic.
  • epipskey: heals relatively minor injuries such as broken noses and split lips.
  • expecto patronum: evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a patronus or spirit guardian; it is the primary protection against dementors and lethifolds, against which there are no other defence.
  • lumus: illuminates the tip of the caster's wand.
  • lumus solem: conjures a very bright, narrow beam of light, which may potentially be warmer than normal light.
  • protego: creates a magical barrier to deflect physical entities and spells, in order to protect a certain person or area.
dec 20 2018 ∞
dec 26 2019 +