• If I rt something that is very triggering to you and we're buddies lmk and I'll delete it. Don't sit there and vague me - I can't possibly know or remember everyone's triggers, considering I suffer from disorders that severely impact my memory :(
  • Don't expect me to quote rt something and tag it with a 'TW' bc that's pretty rude to the OP.
  • If you expect me to disclose anything super specific or personal about my mental illnesses or past trauma for you wanting to see if I'm 'valid', fuck you and fuck off.
  • I don't really want to interact with anyone under 15.
  • I don't normally partake in discourse. Don't ask me to.
  • Don't guilt me into retweeting things. This is MY account.
  • I block people all the time for my sanity. Reasons for blocking include being annoying, giving off bad vibes, finding out you're an abuser, or holding serious opinions I do not agree with. Do not ask me to unblock you unless you have a good reason.
jun 13 2017 ∞
aug 27 2023 +