• remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
  • the life in which im forever a child looking out my window at the night sky, thinking one day i'll touch the world with bare hands. even if it burns.
  • your desire and fear of desire annihilate one another.
  • you make your life hard by always being in your own head. life is simple, get out of your head and get in the moment.
  • in my dream, i built a funeral pyre. for myself, you understand. i thought i had suffered enough. i thought this was the end of my body - fire seemed the right end for hunger; they were the same.
  • i'm 24 years old and play this game with myself: buy myself something delicious for the weekend, blueberry muffins or flaky croissants, and forget it by friday. saturday morning comes and i am lucky to know me. i wasn't born knowing how to love me, but i'm learning now; catching up for lost time between us. i keep the windows open. i play oldies throughout every corner of my apartment. i tell the dog how good it feels, at least for today, at least for right now, to be alive.
feb 27 2021 ∞
may 5 2024 +