• I do not participate in any form of censorship or exclusionism of any kind. I support people who reclaim slurs. I support microlabeling and non-labelling alike.
  • I am pro-kink and pro-sex worker. anything and everything safe with consenting between adults should be left with the consenting adults.
  • I do not care about anything that happens entirely within the confines of your fiction, I do not care what you ship, I care how you treat real people. Harassment over fiction - any fiction - is not something I will ever tolerate. That includes "callout" posts about what fiction or ships a person likes, their headcanons, literally anything but actually harmful actions towards real, living people.
  • [Squidward voice] No, a person's tastes in fiction, ships, or headcanons do not inherently harm real living people.
jul 23 2022 ∞
apr 28 2024 +