- taking food apart with fingers, breaking down into tiny pieces and eating only selected portion.
- sampling of a wide variety of food items instead of only one or a few.
- putting headphones on before plugging into audio jack.
- charging phone and listening to music concurrently.
- downloading tons of music albums at a go.
- tendency to cling to and obsess about past events.
- fear or mirrors, otherwise known as catoptrophobia.
- occasional binge eating.
- semi-subconscious idealization of people and things such that when ideals fall through it breaks me ever so softly.
- pretending to listen while a storm brews on the inside.
- smiling because it's goddamn obligatory.
- imagining lives other people may lead.
- envisioning scenarios of me and him* making love.
- muttering the occasional korean cuss word.
- reading and writing only when i feel like it.
- belief in 缘分.
- inclination towards subjectivism as opposed to objectivism. non-absolutist, although to a certain extent the foundation of my beliefs is still built upon religious teachings.
- forever tired tbh; constantly yawning.
- serial procrastinator.
- decision making will never ever be painless nor swift.
- adults comment on my being mature but i still react to and handle situations poorly.
- i want to believe in happy ever afters.
- (mostly) infp.
- escapism tendencies.
- it's always entertaining reading about astrological signs and such; i'm a cross between the 7th and 8th.
- cover my mouth, a lot, because i feel self-conscious about my smile.
- like men taking the lead.
- sitting on my hands.
- super obstinate when it comes to certain matters.
- thrive on compliments and affirmation from others.
- no capacity for multi-tasking.
- used to be really lovely as a child; not so anymore, it seems.
- nowadays, seeing other girls fills me up with an indescribable sadness.
- getting overly attached on an entirely emotional level even to people whom i barely know (which is killing me).
oct 21 2014 ∞
dec 25 2014 +