my favourite genres are horror, thriller, action, mystery and comedy. i like obscure extreme cinema, and pseudo snuff/gore for the artistry of special effects!

QUICKLY PUTTING THESE DOWN HERE because i love them and dont know where to organize them into:

marble hornets, everymanhybrid, whispered faith, tokidoki, rilakkuma and friends, gloomy bear, snoopy, garfield, sharks, legos, artillery, weapons, guns (my fave is the SAP-6 and mossberg chainsaw), general and war/military history blah blah blah AND KNIVES i love zombie knives and kukri blades and machetes. hatchets are cool too, maces are also cool. I LOVE ZOMBIES i love zombies so much! i love biohazards and infections and the study of spreading dieases. i also like world ending scenarios like the theories of an apocalypse like what would happen if yellowstone errupted and if a mutated strain of mad cow's disease infected us yadda yadda. i also enjoy topics of humanity and things considered "misanthropic" topics but i am not misanthropist i love people i just find these topic of conversation interesting!

apr 19 2024 ∞
may 3 2024 +