- ferritin 100+
- exercise more once i feel better
- biking
- running
- maybe try to go to gym??...
- new hairstyle, perhaps one that is shorter
- get night lenses
- go places that attract me
- do things that feel right
- less distractions
- distance myself from what's wrong for me
- read more books and articles
- watch more movies
- practice German
- continue studying Latin in my free time
- Get my Bachelor's
- multiply my resources
- graduate and
- get a job in my field
- get an int. passport and travel
- St. Pete's
- Berlin, Stuttgart (I AM GOING)
- some new cities in Russia too
- get a driver's license
- nuclear semiotics postcard collection
- start working on Bliss
- more short comics
- work out ideas
- solarpunk community one + nuclear stuff
- mad scientist one
- the anti-natalist one, Blissy Bliss
- the Kattykat one
- Optimistic Eschatology
dec 11 2024 ∞
feb 16 2025 +